Category News

Prague International Quadrennial Preparatory Activities

8 Agosto 2016 NewsProjects

Prague International Quadrennial Preparatory Activities
5-15.09, 2013. – WORLD STAGE DESIGN 2013, OISTAT World Congress, Cardiff, UK.
In 2013 Valeian Gunia Union of Young Theatre Artists (YTA UNION) became a full member of OISTAT.
On September 5-15, 2013 in Cardiff (Wales, UK) was held the OISTAT International Forum WSD2013 / and World Congress, where the voting for full membership of aspirant members (including Georgia) took place.
Under the OISTAT Organizing Committee’s invitation the five-member delegation of Valerian Gunia Union of Young Theatre Artists (Nino Gunia-Kuznetsova, Tamar Bokuchava, Bekar Jumutia, Manana Gunia, Mariana Oklay) visited the city of Cardiff to attend WORLD STAGE DESIGN 2013 and OISTAT World Congress and to receive the OISTAT full member stat...

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Cooperation with RMCBU

6 Agosto 2016 NewsProjects

Cooperation with RMCBU

Cooperation with RMCBU

Cultural Policy Exchange Workshop Cycle 2013:
Strategies & Concepts for Policy Reforms
19 July. 2013 Gori

Participation of Valerian Gunia Union of Young Theatre Artists Executive Director, Nino Gunia-Kuznetsova in Open Session ( Gori, Georgia)
Presentation by Nino Gunia-Kuznetsova :|” Cultural Policy of Georgia: Stages of Development and Models”

Participation of Valerian Gunia Union of Young Theatre Artists member Avtandil Dolaberidze in Workshop Cycle 2013: Strategy & Concepts
First Training Module: THINK STRATEGICALLY
17th-20th of April, 2013, Moldova
• Strategic Thinking and Planning
• Assessment of Status of Culture Sector, of Cultural Policies and Laws
• Mapping of Cultural Resources
Second Training Module: WORD YOUR GOALS
17th – 20th of July, 2013, Go...

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Project – “La scala di seta”

3 Aprile 2013 NewsProjects

Project La scala di seta” (Hybrid-art in opera scenography)
2011 – 2012

The project is the interdisciplinary pilot development of the synthesis of traditional opera performance and the modern video-art and hybrid art as the multimedia set design. Besides the local product –performance the project is aimed at the process of cooperation as the important component of the general objective.

The strategic part of the project is integration and participation in the European cultural life through the natural assistance and cooperation of artists, managers, curators of the Black Sea countries: preparation of basis for Batumi Visual and Performance Art Biennale and creation of basis for the Black Sea Cultural Network of Visual and Performance Art.

Goal of the project: To promote establishment f ...

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Cooperation with RMCBU

3 Aprile 2013 NewsProjects

Eastern Partnership Culture Programme funded by the European Union

Project Cycle Management Workshop
21 – 22 November 2012

Participation of   Valerian Gunia  Union of Young Theatral Artists member Avtandil Dolaberidze in Workshop on Project Cycle Management (PCM) in Baku, Azerbaijan

Objective: Acquisition of new experience for the effectiveness of international development projects of the Union and sustainable development in the long-term, establishment of contacts and exchange of partner proposals.

The Regional & Capacity Building Unit (the RMCBU) of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme funded by the European Union.

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G. Rossini – “La Scala di Seta”

3 Aprile 2013 NewsProjects


Project  “La Scala di Seta” (Hybrid-art in opera scenography)
25 October 2012

The dressed show of Gioachino  Rossini one-act opera “The Silk Stair” at the hall of the Tbilisi State Conservatory, for the donor organization – Foundation Open Society – Georgia and partner-organizations – the Tbilisi State Conservatory, Baku State Conservatory, Shota Rustaveli State University of Theatre and Film, representatives of the parliamentary committee for Education, Science and Culture and Board members.

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Cooperation with Youth for Exchange and Understanding

3 Aprile 2013 NewsProjects

Youth for Exchange and Understanding

Project “R.A.C.I.S.M. – Radical Action Combating Indifference & Supporting  Migrants ”
19 – 26 October  2012

Participation of   Valerian Gunia  Union of Young Theatral Artists delegation /Sandro Nakashidze and Tamta Mandzulashvili   – members of YTA union youth section / in Training Course, which will be held in Marsaxlokk, Malta in the period of  19th – 26th October  2012.

The event is organized by the Youth for Exchange and Understanding Malta  in the frames of project “R.A.C.I.S.M. – Radical Action Combating Indifference & Supporting  Migrants ” implemented with the support of  Youth for Exchange and Understanding.

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Cooperation with OISTAT

3 Aprile 2013 NewsProjects

OISTAT Architecture Commission Meeting
Milan, Italy
2 August 2012

Participation of   Valerian Gunia  Union of Young Theatral Artists member Manana Gunia in  Architecture Commission Meeting 2 August, 2012 at La Scala theatre.

The Architecture Commission meeting was held July 29 to August 03, 2012 in Italy with a special Northern Italy Historic Theatre Tour.

In the annual AC meeting , Tim Foster, proposed by the ABTT,  was elected as AC Chair unopposed. Torsten Nobling and Martien van Goor agreed to continue to serve as vice-chairs and were duly re-elected.

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Cooperation with International Confederation of Theater Unions

3 Aprile 2013 NewsProjects

Cooperation with International Confederation of  Theater Unions  & Chekhov International Theatre Festival
6 – 13 June 2012

Festival of Young Theater Artists of CIS Countries, Baltic Countries and Georgia, Chisinau (Moldova) 

Participation of the representative  of  Youth Section of YTA Union/ Georgian OISTAT National Center Sergei Shivts  at the Festival of Young Theater Artists of CIS Countries, Baltic Countries and Georgia, in Chisinau.

Project Objective: participation of the representative of the Georgian scenography school in the international exhibition, promotion of Georgian culture in the artists of former Soviet states.

Organizer – International Confederation of Theater Unions with the financial support of the Interstate Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation of CIS Countries


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International Relations – Cooperation with OISTAT

3 Aprile 2013 NewsProjects

Education Commission Meeting - Maastricht

Education Commission Meeting, Maastricht, The Netherlands
19 – 23 April 2012

Project objective: business trip of  Tamar Bokuchava,  Valerian Gunia Union of Young Theatric Artists Advisory Council Member, Education Section Chair, doctor of theater science,  professor of Shota Rustaveli State University of Theatre and Film, chair of the Dissertation Council, representing YTA Union as a new OISTAT  national center to  the Education Commission Meeting of International Association OISTAT in Maastricht, and for the first time participation of first part of the Georgian delegation in the elections of  OISTAT Education Commission chairperson.

Establishment of professional contacts with representatives of  various OISTAT national centers and selection of potential participants for future bien...

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Manana Gunia’s solo exhibition “Virtual Scenography”

3 Aprile 2013 NewsProjects

The Tempest - W. Shakespeare

On  the International Theater Day in Tbilisi, at Akaki Khorava Actor’s House  by YTA Union/Georgian OISTAT National Center of the Ministry and Georgian Theater Society  was organized the solo  exhibition of Manana Gunia.

The exhibition presented the works created in the years 2001-2012. In particular, set design sketches, costumes, and installations performed in 3D MAX program / see the article “Manana Gunia’s Virtual theater”.

Donor – YTA Union/ Georgian OISTAT National Center

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